Friday, January 19, 2007

Is Clickbank really worth it?

Is clickbank really worth all the effort and sweat and tears that I put out there with all the endless submission the search engines and countless submission confirmations in my email box, that I, yes, quite frankly am dealing with!

I honestly don't know!

After a couple of months, I still have not generated even one sale! Not even one stinking sale!
I have to say that I am somewhat disappointed, but not really surprised. This is one of those ventures that I got into with my feet first and not my head.

Went at it with everything I had for two weeks straight. On the computer night and day, submitting to search engines, getting link backs, and all that other great crap, just like the so called "guru's" of marketing told me to so I could make a million dollars overnight and guess what I didn't make a penny!

Well to be fair it didn't cost me anything but time I was already wasting anyway. Well I might have found another site that was better in the mean time, but I believe in Kharma, so probably not. I had to try it out and fail at that one before I really found one that paid.

maybe we should all look at it that way! ;-)


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