Jose ole'
Thanks Jose for all of your comments and posts. I have not been online for a while due to my internet being turned off. But I wanted to let you know that I am not ignoring you. I very much appreciate you signing up underneath me for . That was very thoughtful of you.
I am so happy for you that you like associated content. They are a very good publishing company. I have so far published 4 articles with them and I just wrote another article today with them before blogging on here today.
I covered a local news event for a Guiness Book of World Records that our State Capitol did for Snow Angels that Saturday Night Live actually featured last night on the show. That was actually pretty shocking for me. I am not used to North Dakota being featured on nationally televised tv. At least not for anything good. lol
I am excited that your blogging has taken off so well for you! You have so many people that have flocked to your site. I somewhat envy you to be honest. I have not had even a percentage of people on my site, but I also have not put even a tenth of the effort into mine that you have into yours.
All warm wishes are extended your way and I will continue to read your blog, which I did do after your first comments that you sent my way, I just like yourself did not leave a comment. I will try to be more blogger like and leave a comment next time to make sure that you know that I was around and looking.
Hope that you all have a great day and are all prosperous in your online ventures.
1 opinions:
Hi Jenny,
What a way to get someone's attention! Thanks very much for the post. I really appreciate that.
It's nice to finaly get to chat with you. I'm glad to hear that your internet connection has been restored. It's no fun when you lose access to the internet, especially as a blogger.
Thanks for not minding that I didn't sign up under you for Associated Content. I didn't notice your banner ad until I returned a second time to your blog. I took it hard when I missed the opportunity to give you credit for my registering at AC, and I guess that's because I feel strongly about bloggers supporting each another.
Nice article, and congratulations on becoming the Snow Angel Capital of the World again. I'll bet the piece on SNL was a pleasant suprise. Sorry I missed that. My tv has been out for more than a month now. I guess that's why I've had so much time to blog.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate the visit. I think all bloggers at times are guilty of blog surfing and not leaving comments. I know I am, but I'm trying to change that. So, I try to leave comments on as many blogs that I can. I still miss some.
Well, I think I'll say good-bye for now. Thanks again for the post.
Take care,
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